I want to expand on the Cooling vs Food problem.

I think everyone is aware of shorter growing seasons, at least I hope so. I also hope people can connect increase in solar energy going into the oceans with an increase of evaporation and thus an increase in rain. (The Wisconsin Ice Age was very very dry.)

Not only was the area in the USA/Canada/Russia/China moved south by 150 to 200 miles in the seventies, BUT CO2 is very soluble in COLD WATER (Henry's law.) As the earth cools CO2 gets sucked up by the oceans.

Under stress the seeds will not even start and the cut off is ~220 ppm CO2. The Climastrologists played games with the measurements of ice cores and came up with 150 AGAIN the chemistry is CO2 loves water so the air bubbles have less CO2 than the entire ice sample.

Most of our veggies and fruit are C3 not C4.


Carbon starvation in glacial trees recovered from the La Brea tar pits, southern California (THINK SEA LEVEL!)

Carbon dioxide starvation, the development of C4 ecosystems, and mammalian evolution

The Evolution of C4 Photosynthesis


There is another more subtle aspect to the CO2 starvation level and that is partial pressure.

Impact of lower atmospheric carbon dioxide on tropical mountain ecosystems


"…. Carbon limitation due to lower ambient CO2 partial pressures had a significant impact on the distribution of forest on the tropical mountains, in addition to climate. Hence, tree line elevation should not be used to infer palaeotemperatures…."

Effect of Low Glacial Atmospheric CO2 on Tropical African Montane Vegetation



Estimates of glacial-interglacial climate change in tropical Africa have varied widely. Results from a process-based vegetation model show how montane vegetation in East Africa shifts with changes in both carbon dioxide concentration and climate. For the last glacial maximum, the change in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration alone could explain the observed replacement of tropical montane forest by a scrub biome. This result implies that estimates of the last glacial maximum tropical cooling based on tree- line shifts must be revised."

Eco Physics Lab PDF


"…While [CO2] does not vary with elevation, CO2 partial pressure decreases in proportion to total atmospheric pressure. Under modern conditions, partial pressures of CO2 at high-elevation sites are 10–30% lower than at low-elevation sites, producing an even more conservative comparison between glacial and modern conditions…."

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It is not living space it is FOOD. The Eugenicists like the UK Fabian Society and John D Rockefeller USED the 1969-1974 FOOD Crisis caused byGLOBAL COOLING to scare the rest of the leaders of the world to get on board the Population control band wagon in 1974.

(Sorry this is a long comment but extraordinary claims need a long explanation.)



Look at the 1974 CIA Repor. It shows global COOLING was the cause of the overthrow of governments and collapse of civilizations. Then look at the Kissinger Report aka National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 <-- This is the smoking gun connecting the clot shot to plans made by the US government in 1974.

Both documents talk about global cooling problems at the same time Rockefeller’s man, Maurice Strong, the Secretary General of the first United Nations Conference on the Environment and Population in 1972 Strong was screaming TO THE PUBLIC about global warming. Meanwhile in 1974 they are talking about GLOBAL COOLING destroying grain harvests at The World Population Conference.

I have written a series of articles about the motive for the mRNA injection. They are mostly quotes with my ‘dot connecting’

The last of the series has easy to find links to the other parts and also to my food control series:



National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 is 200 pages. I read and extracted excerpts that can be found here:


Example from NSSM 200

"....Rapid population growth and lagging food production in developing countries, together with the sharp deterioration in the global food situation in 1972 and 1973, have raised serious concerns about the ability of the world to feed itself adequately over the next quarter century and beyond.  

There is great uncertainty whether the conditions for achieving food balance in the LDCs can in fact be realized. Climatic changes are poorly understood, ==> but a persistent atmospheric cooling trend since 1940 has been established.... "


Oh and that Global COOLING???

In brief. The Koppen climate boundary, based on local vegetation, moved south by about 150 to 200 miles during the 1970s. As a result there was a grain crisis with world grain reserves down to a month’s supply. At the same time geologists found that instead of four glacial ages, with long interglacials between, the new evidence showed multiple glaciations with short interglacials. In 1970, Broecker, using oxygen isotopes, identified and dated five full ice age cycles. He stated his work was in agreement with the 1911 Milankovitch cycles. Hays and Shackleton expanded on this and published in 1974.

In December of 1972 Kukla and Matthews alerted President Richard Nixon.

“...The main conclusion of the meeting was that a global deterioration of climate, by order of magnitude larger than any hitherto experienced by civilized mankind is a very real possibility and indeed may be due very soon...The present rate of cooling seems fast enough to bring glacial temperatures in about a century if continuing at the present pace...”

More recently papers have come out pointing to the end of this interglacial and most certainly an end to the recent warm blip. The Cabal knows this and wants the population reduced BEFORE the major cooling they know is coming sets in.

Looking at orbital mechanics and MODEL results, Loutre and Bergein 2003 paper predicted that the current interglacial, the Holocene, might very well last another 50,000 years, particularly if CO2 were factored in. They never mention it would be COOLER of course.

A paper by Lisieki and Raymo (Oceanography, 2005), based on real data -- 57 globally distributed deep ocean and other cores -- stated:

"...Recent research has focused on MIS 11 as a possible [orbital] analog for the present interglacial .... However, the June 21 insolation minimum at 65N during MIS 11 is only 489 W/m2, much less pronounced than the present minimum of 474 W/m2. In addition, current [solar] insolation values are not predicted to return to the high values of late MIS 11 for another 65 kyr.

==> We propose that this effectively precludes a 'double precession-cycle' interglacial [e.g., Raymo, 1997] in the Holocene without human influence...."

And then there is the sun:

Usoskin et al. 2016 updated version of A history of solar activity over millennia states:

"....we can securely say now, after the very weak solar minimum in 2008–2009 (e.g., Gibson et al. 2011), solar activity returns to its normal moderate level in cycle # 24. Thus, the high activity episode known as the Modern grand maximum is over. >>> Is such high solar activity typical or is it something extraordinary? While it is broadly agreed that the modern active sun episode is a special phenomenon, the question of how (a)typical such upward bumps are from “normal” activity is a topic of hot debate….

==> Usoskin et al. (2003c, 2004) stated that the modern maximum is unique in the last millennium. Then, using a similar analysis of the 14C calibrated series, Solanki et al. (2004) found that the modern activity burst is not unique, but a very rare event, with the previous burst occurring about 8 millennia ago...."


The earth has just gone through a RARE GRAND SOLAR MAXIMUM that occurs maybe once ever two to eight thousand years. A Solar Maximuim that lifted the earth out of the Little Ice Age AND THAT HIGH ACTIVITY HAS ENDED. This explains Lorraine Lisiecki ‘s “...warming trend of the last century ...” If you already know the CO2 causes warming is complete bull schiff, that is NOT information you want to hear.

Looking at solar insolation, in the paper, Can we predict the duration of an interglacial? I extracted the 21 June solar insolation @ 65◦ N for several glacial inceptions:

Current values are insolation = 479 W m−2

(Marine Isotope Stage and solar insolation at glacial inception)

MIS 7e - insolation = 463 W m−2,

MIS 11c - insolation = 466 W m−2,

MIS 13a - insolation = 500 W m−2,

MIS 15a - insolation = 480 W m−2,

MIS 17 - insolation = 477 W m−2,

From NOAA I got these: (Data is no longer available on the net)

depth of the last ice age - around 463 W m−2

NOW (modern Warm Period) 476Wm-2

During the Holocene Maximum solar energy reached a summer maximum, 9% higher than at present, ~11 ka ago.

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